Hello, we're Godrej.

Established in 1897, the Godrej Group has its roots in India's Independence and Swadeshi movement. Our founder, Ardeshir Godrej, lawyer-turned-serial entrepreneur failed with a few ventures, before he struck gold with a locks business.

Today, we enjoy the patronage of 1.1 billion consumers globally across consumer goods, real estate, appliances, agriculture and many other businesses. In fact, our geographical footprint extends beyond Earth, with our engines now powering many of India's space missions.

With a revenue of over USD 4.1 billion we are growing fast, and have exciting, ambitious aspirations. Our Vision for 2020 is to be 10 times the size we were in 2010.

But for us, it is most important that besides our strong financial performance and innovative, much-loved products, we remain a good company. 24% of our holding company is held in a trust that invests in the environment, health and education. We are also bringing together our passion and purpose to make a difference through our Good & Green strategy of 'shared value' to create a more inclusive and greener India.

At the heart of all of this, is our people. We take much pride in fostering an inspiring workplace, with an agile and high performance culture. We are also deeply committed to recognising and valuing diversity across our teams.

Our Story

Godrej Our Story

Godrej, 118 years young.

Our story began as part of India's Swadeshi movement -
the original 'Make in India' movement.


Group Directors

Navroze Godrej
Adi Godrej
Chairman, Godrej Group

Meet Our Group Directors


Our Initiatives

Good & Green

Good & Green

Godrej Good & Green is our commitment towards building a more inclusive and greener India. By 2020, we aspire to create a more employable Indian workforce, build a greener India, and innovate for 'good' and 'green' products.

Godrej Trusts

Godrej Trusts

Giving back to our communities is important to us. 24% of the shares of our Group's holding company are held in trusts like the Pirojsha Godrej Foundation, the Soonabai Pirojsha Godrej Foundation and the Godrej Memorial Trust, which contribute towards healthcare, education and environmental sustainability.


Godrej India Culture Lab

The Godrej India Culture Lab is a fluid, experimental space that cross-pollinates ideas and people to explore what it means to be modern and Indian. The Lab was launched in January 2011 as an attempt to create an alternative intellectual hub in Mumbai city that would serve as a catalyst for conversations about contemporary India, by brokering interactions between academia, the creative industries, the corporate world and the not-for-profit sector.

Forthcoming Event

New at Our Culture Lab

Vikram Seth visits Viva Vikhroli!

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